Snorkel + Dive

The sea around Cham Islands is world famous for its biodiversity like the rare blue corals and many other endemic species.

There are many wonderful beaches with coral reefs between Bai Lang and Bai Huong. The shallow water is safe and perfect also for beginners. Do not step on the corals, because it will damage them and you may hurt yourself. Do not put on suncream, as it will poison the corals. Instead use snorkeling suits with long arms and legs and naturally head protection. Or normal street wear like the locals.

Bring your own snorkel mask or buy it from the local vendors, homestays and restaurants for some 150k VND. In Corona times you should not take a mask from somebody else.

You want to go further out and to the other islands like Hon Tai or Hon Dai? Experienced fishermen take you for snorkeling or fishing to where you want. Just ask your homestay and they will organize everything for you. When you want it and how you want it.

You want to go for Scuba diving? Professional diving schools operate from Cua Dai harbour in the wonderful 2-floor wooden boats. All the equipment is in perfect condition and highly experienced instructors ensure safety and pleasure. They also offer snorkeling at places you cannot reach from the beach.

Cham Islands functional areas

Scuba diving + snorkeling, Swimming + snorkeling, Walking on the sea floor (Hon Nhon), Recreational fishing, Sports at sea (Bai Ong)

Dream beach 2
Find your own beach! Simply go there by motobike or even walk from Bai Lang or Bai Huong.