Cu Lao Cham Market

Located directly at the pier and the harbour road, Tan Hiep market (often called Cho Cu Lao Cham) opens consists of 2 areas. Indoors, fresh seafood and dried specialties such as shrimp, squid, dried fish, or rim are sold. Also local food can be tested here before buying. If you love to watch the fishing boats come in or you are looking for something special from the night catch, be here at sunrise. Your homestay or restaurant will certainly wake you up in time and prepare the food you bought according to your wishes. You cannot buy it better, fresher and cheaper. The market is open all days from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Do not miss this opportunity!

Outdoors, local vendors sell jewelry and souvenirs made from shells, snails or stones. Perfect gifts for friends and relatives at a nice price.